DKJ projects.architecture were engaged by Healthscope to provide Lead Consultant and Architectural Design services for the design and delivery of the new Mental Health and Alcohol and other Drugs unit at Darwin Private Hospital which is the first of its kind in the NT.
The project started with a period of extensive site master planning to assess the best location for the proposed facility. Significant constraints included existing buildings and potential extensions, inground infrastructure services and easements, carparking, access and the desire to retain existing landscape. A key design requirement was to have discrete entry separate from the hospital.
The facility includes an 18-bed inpatient clinic and adjacent outpatient centre and has linked connections to the main hospital with a total floor area of 1500m2. Finishes are in line with a hotel fi t-out to eliminate the possibility of self-harm and the design incorporates a concrete roof ready for future expansion. The project was completed in 2021 on time and on budget.
Client: Healthscope